Sunday, September 18, 2011

Requiem of a Fangirl

INSPIRED BY Rainbow Girl All Boys Edition by Pacthesis on Deviantart

When I first met you, it was complete accident
I was looking at another, but still you caught my eye
I had no idea what you looked like, until I finally got your game
Even though we live in different worlds, I wanted to meet you
I'm sorry I'm on this side of the screen
I'm a three-dimensional fangirl
But no matter how strong my feelings for you are, you won't look my way
I'm sorry I can't tell you my feelings
I'm just a three-dimensional fangirl
Our interactions are limited by pre-written material
But what I really want to tell you is this:
"I'm so glad I read your story..."

I first fell in love with you because of your manners
You were always so polite and gentlemanly; your smile melted my heart
But after a while I realized it wasn't directed at me...
Then you were gone and the dull ache remained
Oh, that's right...all games have to end...
I'm just a three-dimensional fangirl
No matter how much I long for you it's over as soon as I wake up
I'm sorry I was just dreaming
I'm nothing but a fangirl
I wanted to experience a little bit of happiness with you
But please, at least know this:
I'm so thankful that you smiled at me that day.